

Almost everyone at one point or the other experience itching after every bath. This is not a health condition that should get you alarmed and agitated, even though so many people have exaggerated it. One of the most common cause of itching especially after a bath, is the dryness of the skin. It’s also important to note that dry air, hot water, and some soaps can really reduce some of the most needed essential oils, and nutrient needed to keep the skin healthy, making it dry and thereby resulting to itching. When your skin becomes dry, it becomes overly sensitive and cause itching, I’m some cases, it can become very serious. No matter how serious this condition may be, you can control it and stop it. Here are ways you stop this itching condition after a bath 1. Always try to path your body dry instead of toweling or rubbing off water from your body. This will help retain moisture on your body. So, try not to clean off all the water on your body after every bath. 2. Apply your moisturize

Naira Marley fined after lockdown concert

  An Abuja Mobile Court on Friday convicted Azeez Fashola aka Naira Marley. Fasola was charged with four counts, NAN reports. These were violation of interstate travel ban, non-use of face mask, breaking of social distancing order and attending a concert despite COVID-19 restriction order. Naira Marley was fined N200,000. The Magistrate, Idayat Akanni, set the fine after the musician pleaded guilty. His counsel, Mohammed Yunusa, said his client was made to believe that the organisers of the concert had procured all the approval from the government. Chief State Counsel, Udeme Umana, revealed that the court mandated Naira Marley to publish a public apology to the federal government in a national daily. “This will serve as a deterrent to other Nigerians”, Umana stated. The concert was held at the Jabi Lake Mall on June 13.


Satanists are adequately characterized as a loyal faction of wary atheists who don’t commemorate Satanism and Satan as a biblical devil or even as the personality of Satan as interpreted in many religious scriptures including Christianity but in actual fact, satanists see Satan as an optimistic character exemplifying dignity and identity. Satanists, see the nature of Satan as a valuable opponent to withstand the strict suppression of mortal impulses that they understand is a corrupting significance on religions. Opposite to widespread artistic awareness, satanists do not discern themselves as “evil” or anti christian, but instead as followers of free and natural individual intuition dedicated in resistance of restraint. Satanists are frequently set up to be somewhat alarming to a civilization raised to think in the religious perspective. Satanists forcefully acknowledge superiority of dignity and personal accomplishment. Satanists may shock some as startling and even problematic. Anton


  This is the Main Reason Why Govt is Laying This Pipe Everywhere in Lagos (Photos). If you live in Lagos State, you would have seen laborers digging a hole and laying some multi-color pipes in it. This project is being executed everywhere across the megacity. Different speculations and rumors have been circulating around concerning the project. Some believe that the government is secretly laying the 5G network cable without informing the people. Some said it is electricity cables that are being constructed while some believe it is street lights cable. I have made little research on this project, this is the outcome below. The project is the Lagos State Government Unified Duct Project. The aim is to lease ducts to telecommunication operators that use fiber optic cables for transmission. To limit people digging their own all over Lagos, Government wants to do it so telecommunication companies can lease it. Optical Fibre cables are used most often as a means to transmit light between the


  Their are some certain strange things women normally do when they are lonely and alone, but most men do not know. Some of these things are mostly common in women than their male counterpart. We always do keep these things to ourselves, that is why we usually do them when we are alone. So in case you want to know as a man, please read this article slowly and carefully for you to be able to comprehend it. Without wasting much of your time, here are five strange things women do when they are alone that all men should know. 1. Laughing and talking to themselves while looking at the mirror. Many of them are fund of this. When they are alone and nobody is watching them, they will go to the mirror and start talking to their reflection and some times even laugh about it. Some women would presume their reflection to be their boyfriends and begin to talk with him. Some even play one person drama in front of the mirror. 2. Checking up on their exes especially on social media. When she is alone


It will be very hard to see a true friend around you like it has always been difficult finding true love. Fake friends are friend that back bite you, they pretend as if they want your good but always find way to put you down so that they can rise. They will be sad whenever you tell them good things you achieved. Here are their signs if you have one with you 1. They disappear whenever you need them the most as a friend 2. They always have an hard time being happy for your success and achievements 3. They will always judge your flaws and mistakes  harshly 4. They will push you to do what they can never do 5. They put you down for your opinions or beliefs 6. Most of the times, they gossip about other friends to you which means they likely           gossip about you as well 7. They are not interested in getting to know you on a deeper level 8. They never stand for you in front of others 9. They always turn the conversation back to themselves 10. They say things to disgrace or embarrass you


People are making life changes like changing jobs or moving to a new place or apartment. As they say experience is the best teacher but the lesson will not be so bitter if it was learnt from another’s experience. From personal experience and that of others, here are 7 Tips that can come in handy when you’re searching for a house or an apartment. ** Tip 1 Don’t get just one agent to search, get multiple. One key to getting a house in record time is to have multiple agents. The downside is that this comes at a cost as these agents ask for registration fees from #3,000, then for every house they take you to see their transportation fare is on you and If you’re very ‘ lucky’ lunch and airtime request will be added too. Set aside money for ‘ miscellaneous’ so you don’t end up spending from the actual money saved up for getting the apartment. ** Tip 2 Streamline what you want or don’t want. Tell the agents in precise and exact terms what your preferences are (eg) Storey building, prepaid met


  HIDDEN SECRET  REVELER Often times we try to discover some hidden things in our lives especially why things are the going as expected, worry not because we get you covered, follow the instructions below carefully and be your own prophet Is there any secret you want to know about your life, business and everything that surround you? We have come with another African Science Here is the simple but mighty solution. You will see everything clearly without anyone deceiving you. You will know your past, present and future. I am so sure we have fans that can testify to it here. HERE IS THE SECRET. Get a plain tumbler, put just a tablespoonful of cooking salt inside the tumbler and fill with water, pray your heart desire….. And place under your bed where you lay your head at night. Try this and discover the diversified African Science researched by is


  Put Small Pieces Of Charcoal Under Your Bed And In Your Pocket And See The Miracles It Performs. Photo credit : Google The foundation of every spiritual approach that enables witches to live a harmonious and balanced life while they explore different magical aspects in life, is PROTECTION. It works in a cumulative way because the more we use protection, the more we become adapt to summoning it. Most magical practices need protection as the initial step before any spell occurs. Remember to know the difference between the true need of protection and our fears that keep us back. Also, having a high ego or being too egotistical can give one an unhealthy courage that takes them to places that are dangerous. This skill needs time to master. Your thoughts and feelings should be monitored and soon you will be able to decipher the true difference between ego, fear and true need for protection. The 7 effective ways of spiritual protection using Charcoal will be discussed here today. Have this


How Old were you when you discovered that " MR " means   Matures &   Responsible? . 😂😂😂 *And " MRS " means* Matured,  Responsible &  Submissive. A) Long time ago B) Sometimes ago C) Just now Sincere answer please.